Build a Longer Table


GIA recently published a collection of Dave Bjorlin’s texts, Protest of Praise. It’s full of fresh hymns that address modern injustices. In “Build a Longer Table,” Dave shows that God’s incredible welcome to us through Christ requires us to show hospitality to others. This song’s exuberant Gospel groove declares the text with strength and joy.

words by Dave Bjorlin, copyright 2018 GIA Publications
music by Greg Scheer
copyright 2020
CCLI #7193460
OneLicense #227236

1. Build a longer table, not a higher wall,
feeding those who hunger, making room for all.
Feasting together, stranger turns to friend,
Christ breaks walls to pieces; false divisions end.

2. Build a safer refuge, not a larger jail;
where the weak find shelter, mercy will not fail.
For any place where justice is denied,
Christ will breach the jail wall, freeing all inside.

3. Build a broader doorway, not a longer fence.
Love protects all people, sparing no expense.
When we embrace compassion more than fear,
Christ tears down our fences: all are welcome here.

4. When we lived as exiles, refugees abroad,
Christ became our doorway to the reign of God.
So must our tables welcome those who roam.
None can be excluded; all must find a home.