Greg Scheer is the author of The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship (Baker Books, 2006), Essential Worship: A Handbook for Leaders (Baker Books, 2016) as well as contributions to The Hymn, Worship Leader, and New Songs of Celebration Render (ed C. Michael Hawn, GIA 2013).

Essential Worship: A Handbook for Leaders (Baker Books, 2016)
Essential Worship is a concise, easy-to-read primer on the basics of worship theology and practice. It is particularly well-suited for the first-time worship leader, music ministry classes, and pastors who want to be more intentional about the music in their services.
“Greg Scheer offers personal and fresh perspective on the interworkings of corporate worship with his unique blend of levity and insight.”–Sandra McCracken

The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship (Baker Books, 2006)
Is your church launching a contemporary service, trying to balance traditional and modern musical tastes, or seeking relevant worship for a secularized society? If so, here is the complete guide to making it happen. From enlisting and training an effective leadership crew to overcoming opposition from resistant church members, The Art of Worship charts a clear course through every aspect of worship. Comprehensive technical details, biblical principles, and action steps make this an invaluable resource for musicians, leaders, pastors, and students reaching for new horizons in ministry.
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A selected list of other writings:
“Shout to the Lord: Praise & Worship from Jesus People to Gen X” in New Songs of Celebration Render (GIA, ed. C. Michael Hawn 2013)
“A musical ichthus: Praise & worship and Evangelical identity.” International Journal of Community Music Volume 2 Number 1, pp91-97 (May 2009)
“Retune My Heart to Sing Thy Grace: How Old Hymn Texts Found a New Home among Evangelicals” in The Hymn, Vol. 65, No. 4, Autumn 2014, page 19.
“The Church’s ‘Big’ Choir” in the December 2015 issue of Choral Journal’s “Hallelujah!” column.
“Contemporary Praise and Worship Music” in Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions, volume 3 (Cascade/Wipf & Stock, 2019)