Psalm Songs

Psalm Song TitleCCLI/OneLicense
Psalm 1Blessed Are They CCLI #6557762, OL #2014-14
Psalm 2The Restless Nations Rage (with Naaman Wood)CCLI #7190822, OL #213459
Psalm 3I Shall Rest in PeaceCCLI #7084599, OL #7680
Psalm 4I Rest in YouCCLI #7084595, OL #74303
Psalm 5Hear My Words, O LordCCLI #5003994, OL #128556
Psalm 6Lord, My God, Do Not Contend (text by Adam Carlill)CCLI #7166942, OL #99830
Psalm 7Arise!CCLI #7192736, OL #215390
Psalm 8How Often in the Deep of Night (text by Linda Bonney Olin)CCLI #7191706, OL #214989
Psalm 9-10Rise Up, O Lord! (text by Naaman Wood)CCLI #7193420, OL #227205
Psalm 11Our God Is Still on the ThroneCCLI #7212491, OL #246229
Psalm 12I Will Now AriseCCLI #7084596, OL #50454
Psalm 13How Long?CCLI #7190962, OL #213574
Psalm 14We Wait for You, Our SaviorCCLI #7214361, OL #246752
Psalm 15Lord, May I Dwell with You?CCLI #7214989, OL #247232
Psalm 16Refuge of My SoulCCLI #7084594, OL #16307
Psalm 17Show Me the Wonder of Your LoveCCLI #7218583, OL #249720
Psalm 18I Love You, God My Lord (text by Adam Carlill)CCLI #7193272, OL #44229
Psalm 19The Heavens Declare God’s GloryCCLI #7173278, OL #105753
Psalm 19:1-4The Heavens Tell the StoryCCLI #2762252, OL #125295
Psalm 20Blessing (text by Kate Bluett)CCLI #7192478, OL #215289
Psalm 21The Coronation of the KingCCLI #7233129, OL #59925
Psalm 23The King of Love (choral arr.)CCLI #4468107, OL #128546
There Is Nothing to Fear
God Is Our Shepherd (text by Michael Morgan)CCLI #7192479, OL #215290
Psalm 24Lift Up Your Heads, O You Gates!CCLI #7084597, OL #15953
Psalm 25Foothold (text by Debra Rienstra)CCLI #7084815, OL #64335
Psalm 26UpheldCCLI #7245446, OL #275289
Psalm 27:4One ThingCCLI# 4240239, OL #125285
Psalm 28My God, the Rock (text by Kate Bluett)CCLI #7235407, OL #269442
Psalm 29Give Glory to God, All You Heavenly Creatures (text by Calvin Seerveld)
Psalm 30Sing to God, That All May Hear You! (text by Michael Morgan)CCLI #5003970, OL #128536
Psalm 31In Your Shadow Is My Refuge (text by Kate Bluett)CCLI #7236369, OL #269835
Psalm 32Blessed Is the OneCCLI #7253510, OL #295479
Psalm 33A Symphony of PraiseCCLI #7084524, OL #61092
Psalm 36:5-9Deeper than the Sea (choral arr. published by GIA)CCLI #4769349, OL #125253
Psalm 37An Antiphonal AcrosticCCLI #7153356, OL #39095
Psalm 40I Will Wait Upon the LordCCLI #1276227, OL #125263
PatientlyCCLI #2929284, OL #125288
Psalm 41Blessed Are the WeakCCLI #7241515, OL #272395
Psalm 42(setting for two sopranos and mixed ensemble)
(setting for two-part choir and piano)
Psalm 42-43As the Deer (choral arr. published by Augsburg Fortress)CCLI #1276155, OL #125249
Psalm 44For Your Mercy’s Sake (text by T.L. Moody)CCLI #7192997, OL #227028
Psalm 46The Lord of All Is with UsCCLI #7173673, OL #105754
O Lord of All, You Are Our HomeCCLI #7084522, OL #86886
Psalm 47Clap Your HandsCCLI #6440006, OL #2014-17
Psalm 48A City on a HillCCLI #1609337, OL #125245
Psalm 51A Man Only Sees the OutsideCCLI #2761923, OL #125247
Psalm 52Why Do You Boast?CCLI #6441919, OL #105755
Psalm 53Fools Deny Their God Within Them (text by Adam Carlill)CCLI #7166946, OL #97196
Psalm 54Save Me, O God (text by Doug Gay)CCLI #7200275, OL #231807
Psalm 55Oh, That I Had WingsCCLI #7173674, OL #105756
Psalm 56O God, in Mercy Look to Me (text by Adam Carlill)CCLI#7170637, OL #149140
Psalm 57The Thunder’s Rage Is Roaring (text by Kate Bluett)CCLI #7171543, OL #150690
Psalm 61Lead Me to the RockCCLI #4448897, OL #125273
Psalm 62Only God Can Save Me Now (text by Doug Gay)CCLI #7193421, OL #227206
Psalm 63You Are My GodCCLI #7237419, OL #270528
Psalm 65We Praise You, God, in Silence and SingingCCLI #7186218, OL #209482
Psalm 67Let All the Peoples Praise You!CCLI #7169838, OL #105757
Psalm 69Have Pity, My God (text by David Diephouse)CCLI #7192174, OL #79735
Psalm 77We Will Remember (text by Travis Ham)CCLI #7192995, OL #227026
Psalm 78:1-7People of the LordCCLI #4770084, OL #125289
Psalm 80O Faithful Shepherd (text by David Diephouse)CCLI #6441861, OL #201444
Restore Us, O God! (text by Naaman Wood)CCLI #7189070, OL #107054
Psalm 81Sing to God Our StrengthCCLI #5634473, OL #128559
Psalm 82Gathered in the Judgment HallCCLI #7084784, OL #107055
There Where the Judges GatherCCLI #6446983 OL #128539
Psalm 84Blessed Beyond MeasureCCLI #7164731, OL #113769
Psalm 96A New Song
Psalm 98Sing to the Lord a New SongCCLI #1276399, OL #125293
Psalm 100Shout for Joy to the Lord All the EarthCCLI #6442891, OL #128560
Psalm 102My Heart Is Sick (text by Linda Bonney Olin)CCLI #7199927, OL #231591
Psalm 103My Soul Will Glorify the LordCCLI #1276272
From the Dust You Shall Raise Us UpCCLI #6442781
Bless the Lord, O My Soul! (commissioned by Western Seminary)
Psalm 104We Praise You, O Lord (text by Doug Gay)CCLI #7084816, OL #107056
Psalm 105Give Thanks to the Lord
Psalm 107Thanks Be to God Our Savior (text by David Diephouse)CCLI #6443429, OL #128555
Psalm 108O God, My Heart Is Ready (text by Kate Bluett)CCLI #7214362, OL #246753
Psalm 113From the Rising of the Sun (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557731, OL #2014-25
Cantata for SAB, organ and brass, including the movements From There (Psalm 113:3) and Those He Finds in Need (Psalm 113:7-8)
Psalm 114Tremble Before the Lord (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557724, OL #2014-61
The Hills and Mountains TrembleCCLI #5634459, OL #2014-55
Psalm 115For the Glory of Your Name (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557645, OL #2014-23
Not To Us, O LordCCLI #6557700, OL #2014-42
Psalm 116Be At Rest, Once More, O My Soul (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557669, OL #2014-11
The Land of the Living (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557676, OL #2014-56
Psalm 117All You Nations (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557652, OL #2014-6
Psalm 118Everlasting to Everlasting (from Everlasting to Everlasting)CCLI #6557638, OL #2014-21
This Is the Day!OL #107058
Give Thanks to the LordOL #84564
The Lord’s Become Our Salvation (with Wendell Kimbrough)CCLI #7189217, OL #211479
Open for Me the Gates of Righteousness
Psalm 119119: Aleph, Beth, Gimel
Psalm 120Deliver Me (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163165, OL #111568
Psalm 121My KeeperCCLI #2929260, OL #125280
My God, My Guide, My Guard (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163166, OL #111569
Psalm 122Let Us Go! (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163167, OL #111570
Psalm 123Have Mercy (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163168, OL #111571
Psalm 124If The Lord Had Not Been on Our Side (GIA)
If God Had Not Been on Our SideCCLI #7169106, OL #88194
Our Help (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163169, OL #111572
Psalm 125Those Who Trust in the Lord Shall AbideCCLI #7084592, OL #107061
Everlasting Peace (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163170, OL #111573
Psalm 126Bring Back Our Captives
Tears and Joy (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163171, OL #111574
Psalm 127Rest in the Lord (text by Michael Morgan)CCLI #5003987, OL #128534
Wait for the Work of the Lord (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163173, OL #111575
Psalm 128Bless Us, O Lord (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163174, OL #111576
Psalm 129We Won’t Stay Down Forever (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163175, OL #111577
Psalm 130From Down in the Depths (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163177, OL #111578
Psalm 131Wait for the Lord (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163178, OL #111579
Close to Your HeartCCLI #7184885, OL #208103
Psalm 132O Savior, Come/Arise, O King of Grace Arise (text by Isaac Watts)CCLI #6443405, OL #2014-9
Dwell in Us (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163219, OL #111581
Psalm 133How Very Good (with Barbara Boertje)
How Good It is (with Prasad Rai)CCLI #6442798, OL #2014-32
What Wondrous Joy (with Michael Morgan)CCLI #7193876, OL #818
How Good and Beautiful (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163221, OL #111582
Psalm 134Come, You People of the LordCCLI #6441847, OL #2014-18
Bless the Lord! (from Pilgrim Psalms)CCLI #7163222, OL #111583
Psalm 135I Know the Lord Is Great! (text by Hunter Lynch)CCLI #7193166, OL #227070
Praise the Lord!CCLI #7251485, OL #294108
Psalm 136The Gracious Love of God Will Never EndCCLI #7223664, OL #261457
Psalm 137By the Babylonian Rivers (interlude)
So Far from HomeCCLI #7190654, OL #107068
Psalm 139Where Can I Run from Your Spirit?
Psalm 141O Lord, I Call to You, Please Hear MeCCLI #7190963, OL #213575
Psalm 142I Cry Aloud to the LordOL #105750
Psalm 143O Lord, Hear My PrayerCCLI #7191452, OL #214943
Psalm 145:1-7One Generation Will Call to the NextCCLI #4769466
My Mouth Will Speak the Praise of the LordCCLI #7084523, OL #107076
Psalm 146Praise the Lord! (text by Charles Freeman)CCLI #7192809, OL #215500
Psalm 148Creation’s ChorusCCLI #3276352, OL #125251
Psalm 149Let God’s People Sing a New SongCCLI #7191001, OL #107082
Psalm 150Hallel, Hallelujah!CCLI #7084774, OL #107083