Music Catalog

Congregational Songs

Praise songs. Hymns. Congregational songs. Whatever you want to call them, you have dozens of originals to choose from. The leadsheets are always free. Piano accompaniments and instrumental arrangements are available for a nominal fee.

Choir Music

Choral anthems from traditional publishers cost well over $2 per octavo. That adds up quickly. When I sell you a choral anthem, it only costs $25. That price allows you to make as many copies as you need for your choir–and it’s ready to print immediately.

Psalm Songs

I’ve composed songs for almost half the Psalms. My goal is to write 150 Psalm songs by the time I die. Peruse the list of completed songs here.


From my Just Add People piano accompaniments to arrangements for full orchestra, you’ll find lots of resources for your church.

Orphan Tunes

I’ve written many hymn tunes that don’t yet have a text to call their own. Look here to search by meter and adopt an “orphan tune.”