Now would be a great time to jump into the Greg Scheer Music Podcast. Greg is currently in the middle of a series on planning worship for Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide. You’ll find lots of fresh ideas to incorporate into your own services!

Greg Scheer is a composer, author, and speaker. His life’s work includes two sons (Simon and Theo), two books (The Art of Worship, 2006, and Essential Worship, 2016), and hundreds of compositions, songs, and arrangements in a dizzying variety of styles.
Read More: The Beginner’s Guide to Greg
Psalm 32: Blessed Is the One $0.00
O Antiphons: Our Souls Will Magnify the Lord $0.00 – $25.00
Psalm 135: Praise the Lord! $0.00
Faithful Stewards $0.00 – $5.00