In 2020, the St. Sinner Orchestra is releasing an album entitled One. Long. Year. This is an unusual project in that it is a concept album (a song cycle following the inner life of an unnamed protagonist as his outer life unravels) and a serial album (with tracks released throughout 2020). You can read more about the project on my blog. The first track–“We’re Holding On”–is below.
Words on the web
I stumbled upon Amy Langmaack’s favorable review of Essential Worship recently: I loved what she said about its accessibility: “While the subtitle of this book is “a handbook for leaders,” I found it highly approachable for anyone.” Meanwhile, I learned that The Art of Worship is being used in the curriculum at Wheaton College. Also at Wheaton College is this interesting article on contemporary worship that quotes an article I wrote. And finally, the Liturgy Letter blog links to Essential Worship and an article I had forgotten writing called “The Four-Fold Pattern of Worship.” It’s nice to know that some of the things I’ve written are being used.
New Chapter on P&W!
I’m honored to have my entry “Contemporary Praise and Worship Music” included in volume three of Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions. This picks up where the chapter in Hawn’s New Songs of Celebration Render left off, including an examination of “prophetic” worship, a la Bethel Music.

Timeless: People of the Lord

I’ve been privileged to be included in an exciting new collection of Psalm songs, Timeless: Ancient Psalms for the Church Today. Part of that project is a series of recordings. You can hear a medley of Psalm 78 that includes my song, “People of the Lord:”