Psalm 3: I Shall Rest in Peace
Psalm 3 is traditionally associated with King David as he fled from his son Absalom. Whether or not the Psalm was actually written while David fled for his life during a revolt, the Psalm is certainly full of fears and anxieties–with a side order of vengeance. But more than that, the Psalm is full of trust. Even though all hell is breaking loose, the Psalmist talks about going to bed: “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the Lord sustains me. I am not afraid…”
In this setting of Psalm 3, “I shall rest in peace” becomes a repeated refrain throughout. “Rest” not only indicates peaceful sleep but “rest in peace” is a euphemism for death. It seems to me that many people who might read Psalm 3 or sing this song may be fighting the enemy of disease, age, or death itself. Even in death, we can rest in the Lord.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 3
copyright February 2, 2017
CCLI #7084599
OneLicense #7680
1. Surrounded by my enemies;
But I shall rest in peace.
They say there is no help for me;
But I shall rest in peace.
For you, O Lord, you are shielding me;
My one true hope and my glory.
Oh, I shall rest in peace.
I shall rest in peace.
2. The Lord will hear my cry of pain;
And I shall rest in peace.
I sleep, I wake, God still sustains;
Oh, I shall rest in peace.
Ten thousand foes may surround my bed;
I shall not fear, for my God protects.
And I shall rest in peace.
I shall rest in peace.
3. Rise up, O God, deliver me!
And I shall rest in peace.
Lord, bring the violent to their knees;
Then I shall rest in peace.
For you, O Lord, are a help so sure.
Your blessing’s strong and your love endures.
Oh I shall rest in peace. I shall rest in peace.