Labor On!


A work song for church? This song is unique in that it focuses on Jesus’ work on this earth and encourages us to follow him in our own labors and in fighting for the rights of laborers–especially the working poor who face so much injustice and inequity.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and chorus by Greg Scheer
music: “This Old Hammer,” African American traditional
copyright 2014
CCLI #7191317
OneLicense #214579

1. If my Savior swung a hammer,
if my Savior swung a hammer,
if my Savior swung a hammer,
then I’ll swing mine; I’ll labor on.

Labor on! Labor on!
Until God’s kingdom comes,
labor on!

2. Oh, if Jesus fed the hungry,
oh, if Jesus fed the hungry,
oh, if Jesus fed the hungry,
let the hungry eat, let them labor on.

3. If my Jesus turned the tables,
if my Jesus turned the tables,
if my Jesus turned the tables,
let’s turn the tide, let’s labor on.

4. If my Savior took the hammer,
if my Savior took the hammer,
if my Savior took the hammer,
I’ll bear my cross. I’ll labor on.

5. Jesus died on a Friday.
Jesus died on a Friday.
Jesus died on a Friday.
Sunday he rose, so I’ll labor on.