Psalm 115: For the Glory of Your Name


Psalm 115 contrasts the God of heaven with idols made by human hands. The true God hears those who pray and deserves all glory, whereas deaf idols are only worth the gold they’re made from.

This song is part of my Hallel Psalm cantata, Everlasting to Everlasting.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church, please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
based on Psalm 115
copyright February 15, 2013
CCLI #6557645
OneLicense #2014-23

1. In the highest of heavens, far above all the earth,
is a God not made by hands.
No silver or gold could add to his worth,
and no mortal gives him commands.
Give us eyes to see your splendor, Lord.
Give us mouths to sing your praise.
Give us ears to hear your eternal Word.
Give us feet to walk in your ways.

For the glory of your name, O Lord;
not to us, but to your name.
For the glory of your name, O Lord;
for the glory of your name.

2. But the gods of earth are created from earth,
and are made by human hands.
Their silver and gold are all that they’re worth;
they’ll be melted and made once again.
Their mouths don’t speak, and their eyes don’t see.
They have ears but don’t hear prayers.
Their hands can’t feel, and their throats won’t speak,
and their feet lead to despair.