Psalm 123: Have Mercy


Psalm 123 is a prayer for mercy. The first half of the Psalm describes our eyes looking up to heaven–an acknowledgment of the true God–and the second half is asking God to look down and intervene against lesser authorities–those gods of this earth who abuse their power. It is a simple, but powerful Pilgrim Psalm.

This song is mentioned in Greg’s podcast, “Psalm 123 and Mercy.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Psalm 123
copyright July 9, 2020
CCLI #7163168
OneLicense #111571

Have mercy. Have mercy Lord.
Have mercy. Have mercy Lord.

1. Our eyes look to you.
Our eyes look to heaven.
Our eyes look to you
until you show your mercy, God.

2. Cast your eyes on us.
Cast your eyes on earth.
Cast aside the proud
who bind us with no mercy, God.