Psalm 129: We Won’t Stay Down Forever


Our journey through the Pilgrim Psalms has covered a lot of emotional terrain, but Psalm 129 is still surprising: a fight-the-man screed sung by the scrappy underdog who’s waiting for vindication. What better way to express the pent up anger and down-but-not-out camaraderie of the Psalm than with the music of a full-throated sea chanty?

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.


words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Psalm 129
copyright August 6, 2020
CCLI #7163175
OneLicense #111577

1. Been pushed around since the day we were born,
but we won’t stay down forever.
Let all God’s people say it once more:
oh, we won’t stay down forever.

We won’t stay down.
No, we won’t stay down.
We won’t stay down forever.

2. Their feet on our necks and they plowed up our backs,
but we won’t stay down forever.
God broke our chains, we’re free at last!
Oh, we won’t stay down forever.

We won’t stay down…

3. So confident of their schemes and their plans,
but we won’t stay down forever.
but God has saved! They leave empty-handed.
Oh, we won’t stay down forever.

We won’t stay down…