Psalm 135: Praise the Lord!


Like many of the Psalms that surround it, Psalm 135 is a call to praise that points to creation, Israel’s calling, and deliverance from enemies as reasons for praise. The song’s folk groove lends it a “story song” feel, like the sung histories of the African Griots or the love ballads of Celtic and Appalachian music traditions.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church, please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
based on Psalm 135
copyright 2024
CCLI #7251485
OneLicense #294108

Praise the Lord,
all you servants of the Lord.
Praise the Lord,
those who serve in the house of God.
Praise the Lord,
for God has claimed us as his own.
Praise the Lord!

1. Our God has done as he has pleased.
For joy he formed and filled the seas.
The mountains grandeur and the heaven’s expanse
all leapt to life at his command.

God’s breath blew clouds into the skies;
lightening and rain made their reply.
And then God carved a path upon the earth;
called us and led his people forth! [Chorus]

2. Your name endures forevermore;
each generation joins the song.
Our God is known for his unending love;
his tender mercy covers all.

Some trust in idols made of gold,
but we will trust a living God
who leads us on to where his glory dwells,
where we will join the great Hallel. [Chorus]