The Meadow Sings
“The Meadow Sings” knits together nature, music, and the Creator so beautifully it makes all three seem part of the same chorus.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words by T. L. Moody
music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Genesis 1:11-12
copyright March 2019
CCLI #7189205
OneLicense #211473
1. The meadow sings sweet grace’s rhyme,
a chorus carried on the wind,
with branches plucked in nature’s time,
strains rich as any violin,
strains rich as any violin.
2. This score is penned on meadow’s sheet,
with lilting lyrics heav’n composed
in colors writ at midday heat
by daisies and the prairie rose,
by daisies and the prairie rose
3. Sweet air is more than sound or scent
from blooming meadow’s bright display,
but echoes of that third day
when the earth by God was wild arrayed,
the earth by God was wild arrayed.
The meadow sings.
The meadow sings.
Oh, the meadow sings sweet grace’s rhyme.