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  • Holy, Holy, You Are Holy/Uri Uwer’Uwer’Uwera

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    This song sets the story of Isaiah 6 to a Rwandan melody. It gives us a picture of the angels in heaven singing, “Holy, holy, you are holy,” and the third verse reminds us of our hope to join believers from every nation with the angels in giving glory to God.

    This hymn is a free download. If you sing this song in your church, please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • Hosanna in the Highest (The King of Glory)

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    You can almost imagine Jesus coming closer as this song progresses: The verses begin with prophecies of the Messiah with which the crowd would have been familiar (Ps 24, Is 40) and the people answer with the Palm Sunday refrain of “Hosanna in the highest!” It uses the familiar Jewish folk tune (“The King of Glory Comes”), which your congregation likely already knows.

  • Hosanna in the Highest! (UNIQUE CROWN)

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    There are only a handful of great Palm Sunday hymns, especially ones that can be sung during a palm processional. “Hosanna in the Highest!” is a stately hymn with an easily-learned chorus and narrative verses that move dramatically toward Jerusalem. The text can also be sung to the Jewish folk tune associated with “The King of Glory Comes.”

    This hymn is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • O Lord, May Your Kingdom Come

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    This song is an East/West collaboration between Pakistani Eric Sarwar and me. Eric wrote the music based on the shiv ranjni raga and I wrote the text based on Isaiah 11. It is a beautiful statement of longing for God’s promised Kingdom, which at times we can almost taste and other times seems very far off.

    Anthem for SATB choir, percussion, and strings. Purchase price allows you to print as many copies as you need for your ensemble.

  • Prairie Prelude

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    What does it sound like when the stones cry out (Luke 19:40), the mountains and hills burst into song, the trees of the field clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12), and creation groans (Romans 8:22)? It seems that we humans are not the only ones to praise their Creator and lament their fallen state while awaiting the coming Kingdom. “Prairie Prelude” paints a picture of the creation lifting up its voice so exuberantly that it invites us to join its song of praise.

    This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

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    The Peaceable Kingdom

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    “The Peaceable Kingdom,” like the Edward Hicks painting from which I borrowed the song’s title, is a rendering of the famous Isaiah 11:1-9 passage that describes predator and prey playing together, led by a little child. At Christmas, we understand this Child to be Christ, the little child who came into the world to usher in an age of peace.

    This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • The Weaver of Time (I Will Praise Your Name)

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    This song is based on the Song of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:10-20). You’ll remember that Hezekiah was told he would die, but he prayed for reprieve, reminding the Lord of his faithfulness. God sent Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that his prayer had been heard and that he would give him 15 more years of life. In response, Hezekiah sang a song of thanksgiving. I was drawn to the way this canticle boldly reminds God that “dead people don’t praise the Lord.” I liked how it connected with standard formulas of lament in the Psalms, and mirrored Christ’s descent into death and resurrection.

    This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church, please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

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