Abide with Us (Emmaus Road)


This 12-measure Gospel chorus attempts to distill some key elements of the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples on the road to Emmaus. Abide with us. Something about the stranger makes them want to spend more time with him. This is true for us, as well. Something about Jesus compels us to know him more–to abide, to dwell, to stay by his side. Our eyes are opened. The Spirit opens our eyes to Jesus, the Word of God. Our hearts awoken. The disciples, recalling their conversation with Jesus say, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us?” Indeed, Christ wakes something in our hearts that creates a desire for more.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Luke 24:28-32
copyright May 5, 2021
CCLI #7176430
OneLicense #197356

Abide with us.
Abide with us.
Our eyes are opened,
our hearts awoken,
abide with us.