Jesus Lives, and So Shall I
There are many songs that are perfect for Easter day (“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” for example.), but few that remain appropriate during Eastertide. “Jesus Lives, and So Shall I” will take you through the whole season of Easter with its focus on our new life in the risen Christ.
PowerPoint slides for congregational singing are available from Digital Songs & Hymns.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by “Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich” by Christian F. Gellert (1757)
copyright April 19, 2019
CCLI #7160957
OneLicense #110730
1. Jesus lives, and so shall I.
The sting of death is gone forever.
Jesus lives— the One who died
the bands of death to sever.
God has raised me from the dust:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
2. Jesus lives! My soul revived
when Jesus called. I was awakened
from my sleep to glorious light;
the shroud of death He’s shaken.
From the grave God raised me up:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
3. Jesus lives! New life begins
within this heart so long in slavery.
From the crushing weight of sin,
God’s arm reached down and saved me.
Each new day brings grace enough:
Jesus is my hope and trust.
Awake, my soul.
Awake, my soul.
Your Savior calls—
calls you to rise with him this dawn,
calls you to life within God’s love.
4. Jesus lives, and nothing now
can separate me from my Savior.
Earthly pain nor Satan’s power
could cause his love to waver.
Those he’s found are never lost:
Jesus is my hope and trust.