We Worship You


“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21)
“We Worship You” was first sung at Chuck Rosemeyer’s memorial service, and though it was introduced in this context, it is truly a song of gratitude, thanking God for all of his gifts and recognizing his hand in life, death, and the life to come.

This song is mentioned in Greg’s podcast, “Thanksgiving Brainstorms.”

PowerPoint slides for congregational singing are available from Digital Songs & Hymns.

words and music by Greg Scheer
copyright 1997
CCLI #2310958
OneLicense #125301

1. For the rising of the sun.
For the moon in the night sky.
For the turning of the earth.
For the water, wind, and fire.

We worship you.
We worship you.
We worship you.
We worship you.

2. For the breath which fills our lungs.
For the light which fills our eyes.
For the life which fills our souls.
For your love which never dies. (Chorus)

3. For each blessing from your hand.
For each trial we endure.
For a place to lay our heads.
For a hope that is secure. (Chorus)

4. For the day that is to come
when we’ll kneel before the throne.
For our precious Savior’s blood
which has claimed us for his own. (Chorus)