Psalm 125: Those Who Trust in the Lord Shall Abide
The music for this setting of Psalm 125 is quite adaptable: It could be led by one folk guitar, played in flowing arpeggios on the piano, or rocked out with a full metal praise band. The third verse draws from John 14:23-31; it’s uncanny how closely that passage tracks with Psalm 125. The Psalm alludes to “the scepter of wickedness” and the Gospel “the ruler of this world,” “those who trust” becomes “those who love me,” and “Peace be upon Israel!” is transformed to “My peace I leave with you.”
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 125
for Matt Ackerman and the Campus Chapel, Ann Arbor, MI
copyright February 18, 2017
CCLI #7084592
OneLicense #107061
Those who trust in the Lord
shall abide, shall abide
like the city of God,
Holy Zion.
Oh, the people of God
shall remain, shall remain,
for the Lord shall surround
those he loves.
1. The scepter and the crown
belong to God alone.
Though evil rages,
it shall not rage for long.
2. God, bless us with the strength
to walk your holy way.
Lord, keep your children
within your strong embrace.
3. Christ’s peace will be with you;
Christ’s peace will dwell in you;
Do not be troubled—
let nothing frighten you.