Come Praise, Be Cradled
The chorus of this song is about joy welling up in the soul in praise of the Creator. It is paired with a Renaissance-style hymn with a persistent pulse underneath.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words by T. L. Moody
music by Greg Scheer
copyright March 2019
CCLI #7189210
OneLicense #211477
1. The Lark, in song, gives birth to praise;
It rises, drawn by Holy Dove,
From nesting note on meadow’s floor
To sing on wing in sky above,
To sing on wing in sky above.
Come praise, be cradled in our souls,
Come faith, come joy, in song embrace.
Through lyric’s line, through meter’s time,
Come lift us to our Savior’s face,
Come lift us to our Savior’s face.
2. Then with one voice our rhymes will rise,
Plumed incense circling ‘round your throne.
A thousand Alleluias sung
By flesh, by stars, by humble stones,
By flesh, by stars, by humble stones.