

“The most eloquent poetry, the richest theology barely begins to reveal the mystery.” This acoustic rock ballad concedes that no words or music will ever capture the beauty and love of Jesus. But isn’t his surpassing worth and our inability to fully understand him all the more reason for adoration?

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
copyright 1999
CCLI #2929253
OneLicense #125271

1. Tuning my heart to sing
a song with the sweetest theme,
though no melody or harmony
could capture His beauty.

The most eloquent poetry,
the richest theology
barely begins to reveal the mystery
of a love so pure and a life so holy.

Chorus 1
Raising my song to Jesus.
Lifting my soul to Jesus.
All honor belongs to Jesus;
and no sweeter song than Jesus love
could occupy my tongue.

2. I’ll sing of a truth so high.
I’ll sing of a love so deep.
I’ll sing of the grace that overflowed the heavens
and rained down on earth for me.

What incredible mercy
that Jesus would die for me!
He emptied Himself of everything
so I could be filled with eternity.

Chorus 2
Praising the name of Jesus.
Saved by the love Jesus.
All glory belongs to Jesus;
and no sweeter word than Jesus name
could set my heart aflame.

Setting my eyes on Jesus,
I’ll put all aside but Jesus.
My whole being belongs to Jesus,
for no higher goal than Jesus Christ
could consume my life.