We Are Waiting


Celebrating the majesty of the Father, the life of the Son, and the vision of the Holy Spirit, this choral anthem is a “must do” for any any church that has a flutist; but don’t worry if you don’t have one–the vocal writing is exciting enough to stand on its own!

words and music by Greg Scheer
copyright 1997
OneLicense #125300

1. We are waiting, Father, for your majesty
to free our lives with your reign of peace.
May your mighty hand rule our hearts with love;
expand your kingdom on the earth through us.

We are waiting; waiting; waiting to hear Your word.
We are waiting; waiting; speak, we are list’ning Lord.

2. We are waiting, Jesus, for the life you bring
to flow like waters from mountain streams.
Cleanse our hearts and minds from all impurity.
Let us grow in grace, and live gracefully. (Chorus)

3. We are waiting, Spirit give us eyes that we
may see your vision and dream your dreams.
Show us some new facet of your self some truth
that breaks the idols we have made of You. (Chorus)