O Antiphons: Our Souls Will Magnify the Lord


The O Antiphons have been sung for centuries during Advent. Each of the seven Latin verses begins with “O,” and then addresses the coming Savior with a title: “O Wisdom,” “O Root of Jesse,” etc. The O Antiphons are most widely known as the hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”

This new translation and musical setting can be sung as a hymn or can be expanded to a seven-movement service that includes choir, piano, and a small instrumental ensemble. This video shows the latter.

words and music by Greg Scheer
based on Latin text “O Antiphons”
copyright 2024
CCLI #7250921
OneLicense #4319

Our souls magnify the Lord,
our waiting spirits will rejoice,
for God has looked upon our need.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

1. O Wisdom that comes from the mouth of God—
wisdom that reaches from sea to sky,
ordering chaos with gentle might.
Come, teach us to be wise.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

2. O Adonai, your people’s head and guide—
made known to Moses in voice from the fire,
giving the law on Sinai’s heights.
Come, redeem us with your love.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

3. O Root of Jesse, your people’s hope and light—
you’ve shut the mouths of the mightiest kings,
but loosed the tongues of the nations, who sing:
Come, save us, Lord! We wait.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

4. O Key of David, your people’s crown and joy.
What you have opened or closed remains
and won’t be moved by human hands.
Come, set the captive free.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

5. O Dawning Light, O fire of justice that burns,
shine down on those who wait in the dark,
shackled by sin and death’s strong bars.
Come, set your people free.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

6. O King of all people, desire of all humankind,
you have created us out of the dust.
Breathe once again your life into us.
Come, make your people one.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!

7. O Emmanuel, the God who is always near.
Hope of the nations, we eagerly wait for your salvation.
In faith we pray:
Come, redeem what you have made.
O come, Lord Jesus, come!