Jesus, Be Enough
$0.00 – $25.00
Most Christmas songs are all joy and confidence: Shepherds overwhelmed by angelic songs; Wisemen led by navigational stars. But if your life is at all like mine, those moments are rare. Instead, life is often accompanied by a soundtrack of doubt, missteps, and loss. “Jesus, Be Enough” asks the question: Is Jesus a sufficient gift even when Christmas miracles don’t occur? Will we trust God even when our prayers seem to go unanswered? It is a Christmas carol for the rest of us. [Above is a demo of the choral anthem and below is a version with guitar and cello.]
words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Matthew 1 and 2
copyright 2018
1. If there were no angel choirs, would it be enough?
If there were no Glorias, would it be enough?
If there were no Spirit dreams—
just silent nights and restless sleep.
If there were no ecstasies, would it be enough for me?
Jesus, be enough;
be enough for me.
Jesus, be enough;
be enough for me.
2. When there is no star to guide, will it be enough?
When there is no gift to bring, will it be enough?
Courage fades and wisdom fails;
the path is dark, the sky is pale.
Maybe I have lost my way. Will it be enough for me?
3. When tombs are filled before their time, Jesus be enough.
When wombs stay empty past their prime, Jesus be enough.
When you give and take away,
let my emptiness still praise you.
Meet me in this barren place. Jesus, be enough for me.