O Breath of Life


I originally recorded this song as a pop-punk retune of the hymn text by Bessie Porter Head. Naturally, the idea was met with some skepticism. But beneath the hood is a perfectly singable congregational song. You see? Songs are just like people. Sometimes beneath a prickly punk facade is a placid heart of gold.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

text by Bessie Porter Head
music and chorus by Greg Scheer
copyright May 28, 2016
CCLI #7186140
OneLicense #209374

1. O Breath of life,
come sweeping through us,
revive your church
with life and power.
O Breath of life,
come, cleanse, renew us;
and fit your church
to meet this hour.

O Holy Spirit, come.
Come and breathe on us.
Breathe on us
new life, new love,
O Holy Spirit, come.
O Holy Spirit, come.

2. O Wind of God,
come bend us, break us,
till humbly
we confess our need.
Then in your tenderness
remake us;
revive, restore,
for this we plead.

3. O Breath of love,
come breathe within us,
renewing thought
and will and heart.
Come, love of Christ,
afresh to win us;
revive your church
in every part.