Psalm 131: Wait for the Lord


Many of the Pilgrim Psalms include the admonition “Wait for the Lord,” but Psalm 131’s waiting is centered on a contented, child-like trust. In keeping with the Psalm’s mother/child image, I wrote it as a lullaby.

This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Greg Scheer
inspired by Psalm 131
copyright September 2020
CCLI #7163178
OneLicense #111579

Wait for the Lord.
Hope in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord.
Rest in the Lord.

1. For you know that my heart is not proud, O Lord,
and my eyes don’t look down with disdain.
I’m not anxious for what is beyond my grasp
or I don’t yet understand. I will rest in the Lord.

2. But I quiet my soul and I still my heart,
like a child in her mother’s arms.
Like a child, I’m content in the here and now
and have hope forevermore. I will rest in the Lord.