Psalm 5: Hear My Words, O Lord


My setting of Psalm 5, “Hear My Words, O God” is composed for two narrators and congregational refrain.  It appears as Psalm 5C in the Psalms for All Seasons hymnal, but if you want the un-squished piano music and choral parts you hear on this recording you’ll only find it here. The above recording is just a rough read-through by the Choral Scholars which doesn’t include the scripture reading. The narration allows the whole Psalm to be heard and allows the multiple voices of the original text to come through, as you can hear from the live worship recording below.

words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 5
copyright 2007
CCLI #5003994
OL #128556

Hear my words, O Lord.
Hear the sound of my sighing.
Hear my prayer, my God.
Hear the sound of my crying
I offer up my fear and trust to your unending care.