Psalm 52: Why Do You Boast?
If Casey Kasem were to do a count down of the Psalms, Psalm 52 would not be in the Top 40. But underneath Psalm 52’s prickly exterior lies a heart of gold: Though you can get ahead using deceit, treachery, and lies, in the end, our riches will provide no refuge in the face of death. So, the Psalmist says, it is better to live a life of trust in God’s steadfast love.
This hymn is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 52
copyright 2010
CCLI #6441919
OneLicense #105755
1. Why do you boast, you haughty one, as if you were secure?
You trust your tongue to cut down those whose hope in God is sure.
Your love of lies has served you well, but will your confidence endure?
2. For God will rise and you will fall– your fleeting riches gone.
Plucked up like weeds and whithering, your life will come to naught.
Your memory will tell the tale: eternal refuge can’t be bought.
3. But we will be like towering trees within the house of God.
Our faith secure, our refuge sure, in God’s unfailing love.
We will proclaim God’s holy name for all the good that God has done.