Seven Last Words: 5. May We Thirst in You
From the cross, the One who described himself as Living Water asks for a drink. “I thirst.” This simple sentence says so much: Christ was not spared from his thirst and we shouldn’t expect to be, either. Instead, our journey will be one of both thirsting and quenching, peace and restlessness, fulfillment and yearning.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
based on John 19:28
copyright February 10, 2020
CCLI #7153360
OneLicense #6622
1. Lord, you are the only well
From which living water flows;
But you were thirsty, too.
You were thirsty, too.
O Jesus when we thirst,
May we thirst in you.
2. We drink and the living streams
Well up within our souls,
But we are thirsty still.
We are thirsty still.
O Jesus when we thirst,
May we thirst in you.