Jesus, Greatest at the Table
The hymn tune TABLE GREATS (a play on “greatest” and “table grace”) is a setting for Steven Starke’s Maundy Thursday text. This simple, singable tune gives voice to Starke’s reflection on the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet in the upper room.
Piano accompaniment for congregational singing.
words by Steven Starke, admin. by Concordia Publishing House
music by Greg Scheer, TABLE GREATS
copyright 2011
CCLI #7194236
OneLicense #227797
This song is mentioned in Greg’s podcast, “Lent: Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.”
1. Jesus, greatest at the table,
the almighty Son of Man,
laid aside his outer clothing,
poured some water in a pan;
as the Twelve lay, hushed in silence,
he the servant’s task began.
2. Marvel how their Lord and Teacher
gently taught them not to vie,
as he humbly knelt before them,
dusty feet to wash and dry;
by his tender touch expressing
true compassion from on high.
3. Jesus took the role of servant
when upon that gruesome span,
for all human sin he suffered
as a vile and loathsome man;
on the cross poured out like water
to fulfill the Father’s plan.
4. Can we fathom such deep mercy?
Do we see what God has done?
Who can grasp this great reversal:
love that gives his only Son?
Christ, the sinless for the sinners,
for the many dies the One.
5. Jesus gave to his disciples
a commandment that was new:
“Show my love to one another,
do as I have done for you;
all the world will know you love me
as you love each other too.”