Make Us One within Your Spirit
$0.00 – $35.00
What started its life as a hymn of unity based on Ephesians 4 soon became an anthem for SATB Choir, Organ, and Brass, commissioned by River Road Presbyterian Church in honor of their retiring music direction, and my friend, Larry Heath.
PowerPoint slides for congregational singing are available from Digital Songs & Hymns.
words and music by Greg Scheer
tune name: SASQUATCH
copyright 2009
CCLI #5664182
OneLicense #2014-39
1. Living God in the beginning,
when you formed himanity
Man and woman, child and parent,
in community complete.
One with you, one with each other,
let us live as your redeemed.
Make us one within your Spirit;
make us one within your Spirit;
make us one within your Spirit;
Join us in your bond of peace.
2. Jesus Christ, you are our life-blood
and the Church’s living Head.
You have cleansed us with one water.
You have fed us with one bread.
And as grapes are brought together
before wine can be released; (Chorus)
3. Holy Spirit, you revive us,
breathing life into dry bones.
Let the winds of new creation
animate our dusty souls.
Fill our lungs with inspiration.
Fill our hearts; let love increase. (Chorus)
4. Blessed Trinty, you show us
how to live as family.
Only tethered to each other
will each one, and all, be free.
Each a gift and each a giver,
offered in humility. (Chorus)