Oh, the King Has Come



I co-wrote this song with Jaewoo Kim and Lisa Sung. It is a simple song of Christ’s birth, sung in Korean and English. I’m so proud to be associated with Jaewoo, Lisa, and all the fine folk at www.proskuneo.info.

Leadsheet. This is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

words and music by Jaewoo Kim, Lisa Sung, and Greg Scheer
arranged by Proskuneo Ministries, Inc.
copyright 2021
CCLI #7188246
OneLicense #210607

왕이 오셨다
왕이 나셨다

가장 작은 몸으로
Ga-jang Na-zuen Mo-mu-ro
가장 낮은 곳으로
Ga-jang Na-zeun Go-S-ro
우리 약함 입고서
Wo-ri Ya-kam Ip-Ggo-seo
나와 함께 하시려
Na-wa Ham-gge Ha-si-ryeo

어둔 밤 빛난 별처럼
Eo-doon-bam Bi-Nnan Byul-cheo-reom
내 삶에 빛 되신 주
Nae-sal-me Bit-dae-shin-ju
주께서 동행하시니
Ju-gge-seo Dong-hang Ha-shi-ni
결코 두렵지 않으리
Gyeol-ko Du-ryeop-jji A-neu-ri

Oh the King has come
Oh the King is born

As a baby boy so small
To a family, cold and poor
So that he might know our plight
And we might share his life

Even in the darkest night
Shines the one who is my life
And because He walks with me
I will never fear again