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  • Adoração/All of My Heart

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    A while back I discovered the Brazilian congregational songwriting duo of Rubem Amorese and Toninho Zemuner. They write beautiful, singable, meaningful songs. In Portuguese. This is a translation of their song  “Adoração,” a simple and heartfelt song of dedication. Below is their original recording.

  • Holy, Holy, You Are Holy/Uri Uwer’Uwer’Uwera

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    This song sets the story of Isaiah 6 to a Rwandan melody. It gives us a picture of the angels in heaven singing, “Holy, holy, you are holy,” and the third verse reminds us of our hope to join believers from every nation with the angels in giving glory to God.

    This hymn is a free download. If you sing this song in your church, please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • O Lord, May Your Kingdom Come

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    This song is an East/West collaboration between Pakistani Eric Sarwar and me. Eric wrote the music based on the shiv ranjni raga and I wrote the text based on Isaiah 11. It is a beautiful statement of longing for God’s promised Kingdom, which at times we can almost taste and other times seems very far off.

    Anthem for SATB choir, percussion, and strings. Purchase price allows you to print as many copies as you need for your ensemble.

  • Oče naš/God, Our Father in Heaven

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    I was introduced to “Oče naš” by a woman who was taking ESL classes at Church of the Servant. She helped me find a recording of the song, gave me the meaning of each word of the original text, and even guided me through the Croatian pronunciation phonetically. I created a singing translation in English and arranged it for piano.

  • Oh, the King Has Come

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    I co-wrote this song with Jaewoo Kim and Lisa Sung. It is a simple song of Christ’s birth, sung in Korean and English. I’m so proud to be associated with Jaewoo, Lisa, and all the fine folk at

    Leadsheet. This is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • Sanna, Sannanina – flute/piccolo descant

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    “Sanna, Sannanina” is a delightful South African song that is perfect for joyous Palm Sunday processions. Here I’ve added a flute descant that is almost as rhythmic as the djembe accompaniment. The recording above is an instrumental version with flute and djembe; this descant would also work over the congregation, choir, or praise team singing the song.

    Descants for flute/piccolo. Download also includes SATB hymn with both South African and English texts.

  • Somos uno en Cristo/We’re One People

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    This Latin American corito is based on Ephesians 4:4-6, which speaks of the unity of the Body of Christ. With a brand new arrangement and fresh translation, this will quickly become a heart song.

  • Tuhan Adalah Gembalaku/You, Lord, You Are My Shepherd of Love

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    While there are many Psalm 23 songs to choose from, this one from Indonesia has a gentle spirit that cuts right to the heart of the Psalm, helping us feel the complete trust the sheep feels for the shepherd. It makes the metaphor personal, so we can offer the words of Psalm 23 as our own prayer.

  • We Are Coming, Lord, to the Table

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    This Communion song from Sierra Leone is traditionally sung as the bread and wine are brought forward to the table in a great, dancing procession. Imagine how singing it in your congregation would gather people into joyous celebration!

    This hymn is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.

  • أبانا الذي في السماء ليتقدس اسمك/Abana in Heaven

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    “Abana” is sung by Christians throughout the Arabic-speaking world. This haunting, yet vigorous melody beautifully captures the words of the Lord’s Prayer. It can be found in a number of hymnals. For those looking for a more fleshed-out arrangement, my arrangement for piano and strings will support congregational singing well. A choral anthem scored for SATB and piano and can be purchased from GIA Music.

  • 우리 보좌앞에 모였네/At the Throne of Our God

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    우리 보좌앞에 모였네 (Vision) is a praise song by Hyung-won Koh based on Revelation 7:9-10. It’s a lovely song, and representative of the tuneful, heartfelt worship songs that the Korean church sings. With the help of James Ju and Paul Han, I translated it into English. Later, I revisited the song, adding a piano accompaniment, instrumental parts, and a smooth-as-butter descant for strings and flute.

  • 하나님께서 당신을 통해/May the Love of God Spring Up in Your Soul

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    This new translation of a favorite Korean blessing song is both simple and singable. Click above for a demo or below to hear it led live at Fuller Avenue CRC.

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