Our Father
The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) becomes an ethereal musical groove in this song. Download the sheet music or listen to the track as it appears on the album Half the Man.
This leadsheet is a free download. If you sing this song in your church please report its use to CCLI or OneLicense.
words and music by Greg Scheer
from Matthew 6:9-13
copyright 2001
CCLI #4238337
OneLicense #128538
1. Our Father dear, we revere Your holy name,
and because of Jesus’ sake
hear us when we pray. In the words that Your Son gave
we will come to You today.
We pray the earth that spins beneath our feet
would turn into something more heavenly.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
2. Open up Your hand and in Your gracious love,
please give us bread enough.
Lead us in Christ’s way. Cleanse our wand’ring hearts from sin,
as You teach us to forgive.
We pray You’ll save us from the time of trial,
and help us flee from sin when it beguiles.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
Yours is the kingdom.
Yours is the power.
Yours is the glory, forevermore.