Psalm 40: I Will Wait Upon the Lord
$0.00 – $5.00
This was written for Cornerstone University Ministry at the request of Henry Knapp. I chose Psalm 40 because I felt that the image of the feet being placed on solid rock could be appropriately updated to refer to the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone of our faith.
words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 40
copyright 1993
CCLI #1276227
OneLicense #125263
I will wait upon the Lord for He will hear my cry.
He has pulled me from the grave and set me by His side.
He has set my feet upon the solid ground of the Cornerstone.
1. He has put a new song on my tongue.
A brand new song of praise to our God.
To our God.
I will wait upon the Lord for He will hear my cry…
2. Many will hear the things you’ve done for me.
And many more will see the power of Your deeds.
Of Your deeds.
I will wait upon the Lord for He will hear my cry…
3. God will not remove His mercy from me.
His goodness and His truth have set me free.
Set me free.
I will wait upon the Lord for He will hear my cry…
4. Lord you’ve always been my help and my strength.
And I will trust in You to hear me again.
Hear me again.
I will wait upon the Lord for He will hear my cry…