Psalm 81: Sing to God Our Strength


Psalm 81 should be sung more often. In this song, the Psalm’s opening music images take center stage and the more Israel-specific latter verses are recast in a way that modern worshipers can sing them authentically. The song can be sung in both a pop/praise style and as more of a straight hymn, like it is in the demo above. If you’re interested in reading an article that includes this hymn, visit Call to Worship.

words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on Psalm 81
copyright 2007
CCLI #5634473
OneLicense #128559

Sing to God our strength,
who keeps us from falling.
Raise a song of joy;
strike the tambourine;
sound the harp’s sweet strings.
Listen to God’s calling!

When your souls were bound,
when the world enslaved you.
You raised up your voice
to your loving Lord,
and I heard your words
and reached down and saved you.

Sing to God our strength…

Cast your chains aside;
I’ve redeemed and freed you.
Serve your God, alone,
and I will provide.
Open your mouth wide,
only I can feed you.

Sing to God our strength…

Listen to my voice,
for I’m always speaking.
Let my words of love
tame your stubborn souls,
be the all in all
that you’re always seeking.

Sing to God our strength…

In my safe, strong hands
I will keep and hide you.
With the bread of life
I will fill your souls,
and with joy untold
I will satisfy you.

Sing to God our strength…