Ready My Heart


I first heard “Ready My Heart” on Steve Bell’s CD Each Rare Moment a number of years ago and immediately fell in love with it. Lois Shuford has composed a unique Advent song, a devotional text in which we pray that our hearts would be prepared to cradle the coming Savior. Below is a video of Larry Figueroa and me introducing the song.

words and music by Lois Shuford
arranged by Greg Scheer

1. Ready my heart for the birth of Immanuel.
Ready my soul for the Prince of Peace.
Heap the straw of my life for his body to lie on.
Light the candle of hope;
let the Child come in.

Alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, let the Child come in.

2. Mine is the home that is poor and is barren.
Mine is the stable of cold and stone.
Break the light to each corner of doubt and of darkness.
Now the Word is made flesh
for his birth in me.

Alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, Christ the Savior is born.