Tuhan Adalah Gembalaku/You, Lord, You Are My Shepherd of Love


While there are many Psalm 23 songs to choose from, this one from Indonesia has a gentle spirit that cuts right to the heart of the Psalm, helping us feel the complete trust the sheep feels for the shepherd. It makes the metaphor personal, so we can offer the words of Psalm 23 as our own prayer.

Indonesian words and music by Alfred Matulapelwa and Theo M.
translated and arranged by Greg Scheer
copyright 2022
CCLI pending
OneLicense #245517

1. You, Lord, you are my Shepherd of love
and there is nothing more that I need.
Safe here within your caring hands,
you have bid me rest in pastures green.

My God is leading me beside the quiet stream
and will refresh my tired, thirsty soul.
My God is guiding me along the path of truth
all for the glory of God.
And though I walk in darkest valley
I will not fear the night at all.

2. You are with me wherever I go,
so evil will not cause me fear.
Guiding me with your rod and staff,
you bring comfort, for you’re here with me.

Oh, I will live within the house of God,
dwell with my Lord forevermore.