O God, Our Help, We Bless Your Name


Based on a hymn text by Philip Doddridge, this tune sounds like it comes from the pages of Southern Harmony while the lyrics remind us that the seemingly insurmountable obstacles we see ahead of us will become occasions for praising God in the future.

words and music by Greg Scheer
words based on a hymn by Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)
inspired by 1 Samuel 7:12 and Exodus 18
copyright May 14, 2020
CCLI #7153355
OneLicense #24721

1. O God, our help, we bless your name,
whose love is constant all our days.
Whose many gifts and gracious care
begin, and crown, and close the year.

2. Ten thousand trials may line our path,
but you will guide with loving hand.
When we look back along our way:
ten thousand monuments of praise!

3. Thus far your arm has led us on;
thus far you’ve made your mercy known;
And while we tread this desert land,
new mercies shall new songs demand.

4. And when we stand on Jordan’s shore,
our thankful souls shall sing once more;
then journey on to courts above–
eternal tributes of your love.