O Sing a Song of Bethlehem (KINGSFOLD)


This hymn makes a great transition between the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany, following Jesus from his birth to his days on earth. This arrangement creates a sense of wonder with a sparkling intro/outro and fresh harmonies. It could also be used with the texts “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” and “We Sing the Mighty Power of God.” The string quartet arrangement available below can also be used for congregational singing and adds lyrical interludes between each verse.

words by Louis F. Benson, 1899
 KINGSFOLD, trad. English, adapt. Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1906
arranged by Greg Scheer
copyright 2005
CCLI #4484057
OneLicense #128543

1. O sing a song of Bethlehem,
Of shepherds watching there,
And of the news that came to them
From angels in the air:
The light that shone on Bethlehem
Fills all the world today;
Of Jesus’ birth and peace on earth
The angels sing alway.

2. O sing a song of Nazareth,
Of sunny days of joy,
O sing of fragrant flowers’ breath,
And of the sinless boy:
For now the flow’rs of Nazareth
In ev’ry heart may grow;
Now spreads the fame of his dear name
On all the winds that blow.

3. O sing a song of Galilee,
Of lake and woods and hill,
Of him who walked upon the sea
And bade the waves be still:
For though, like waves on Galilee,
Dark seas of trouble roll,
When faith has heard the Master’s word,
Falls peace upon the soul.

4. O sing a song of Calvary,
Its glory and dismay;
Of him who hung upon the tree,
And took our sins away:
For he who died on Calvary
Is risen from the grave,
And Christ, our Lord, by heav’n adored,
Is mighty now to save.