Wash Me in Your Water


Ideas from John 3 are used in this simple song of faith. The images of water and Spirit make it an excellent song to be used in conjunction with baptisms.

An arrangement for solo voice (opt. 2 part), flute and piano is published by Augsburg Fortress in With All My Heart, vol. 2.

words and music by Greg Scheer
text based on John 3
copyright 1993
OneLicense #125299

1. Wash me in Your water. Fill me with Your Spirit.
Raise me in Your love as a child.
Wash me in Your water. Fill me with Your Spirit.
Breathe into my soul Your gift of life.

2. Lift from me the darkness that has made me blind.
Shine on me Your light so I can see
all the inmost places that I’ve tried to hide.
Lead me to the truth that will set me free.