Psalm 102: My Heart Is Sick


Psalm 102 vacillates between utter despair (“I eat ashes as my food and mingle my drink with tears”) and hope in God’s unchanging love and ability to save. This song mirrors these emotions with biting dissonance and brief moments of repose. The recording above is me playing the cello quartet arrangement on my bass. Below is a demo of the more traditional piano accompaniment.

words by Linda Bonney Olin
music by Greg Scheer
copyright 2022
CCLI #7199927
OneLicense #231591

1. My heart is sick, my body weak.
I’m starved to skin and bones.
My mouth, too full of dust to speak,
can utter only groans.
O God, my God, see my distress
and heed my wretched prayer,
for I am poor and powerless
without your gracious care.

2. As lonesome as a desert owl,
I lie awake, in tears.
Around me adversaries prowl,
with curses, taunts, and jeers.
And you, the God I have adored,
in anger shun me too.
Restore me to your presence, Lord,
to walk once more with you!

3. Our days on earth so swiftly pass,
like waves on restless seas.
We fade away like withered grass,
like smoke upon the breeze.
But you, O God, will always be,
eternally the same.
All generations, hear and see!
All people, praise God’s name!