We Sing the Mighty Power of God (KINGSFOLD)


The tune KINGSFOLD emphasizes the awe and reverence in this hymn, and this Just Add People arrangement includes a fresh piano accompaniment with a sparkling intro and outro. This piano arrangement is also available with the texts “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” and “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say.”

This string quartet arrangement can also be used with congregational singing and includes lyrical interludes between each verse.

words by Isaac Watts, 1712
music: English traditional
arranged by Greg Scheer
copyright 2005
CCLI #7167514
OneLicense #118861

1. We sing the mighty power of God
that made the mountains rise,
that spread the flowing seas abroad
and built the lofty skies.
We sing the wisdom that ordained
the sun to rule the day;
the moon shines full at his command,
and all the stars obey.

2. We sing the goodness of the Lord
that filled the earth with food;
he formed the creatures with his word
and then pronounced them good.
Lord, how your wonders are displayed,
where’er we turn our eyes,
if we survey the ground we tread
or gaze upon the skies.

3. There’s not a plant or flower below
but makes your glories known,
and clouds arise and tempests blow
by order from your throne;
while all that borrows life from you
is ever in your care,
and everywhere that we can be,
you, God, are present there.